I was probably 6 or 7 when I started singing, and music was just part of life growing up.
Our family was the kind that would gather to play bluegrass and southern gospel, which meant there was always a song to sing or a harmony to figure out.
And then one day, I watched Sister Act 2.
That was it—I was hooked.
I knew, without a doubt, that I wanted to be a music teacher.
Fast forward to applying for college, and reality came in like a wrecking ball.
Let me tell you, dreams are great, but they don’t come with a map for how to navigate the challenges.
Ever have a big, shiny idea for your future, only to start digging into what it actually takes and realize, Oh no, this is a LOT?
Yep, same.
When I got accepted into college, they told me I’d have to audition for the music program.
Easy enough, right?
Except my audition was the day after my high school graduation—where I had screamed and celebrated my way to nearly losing my voice.
I could barely croak out a sentence, let alone sing.
I walked in anyway.
The instructor asked if I could read music and handed me a sheet of notes that looked like a foreign language.
I just smiled and said, "Nope!"
Yet, I did the audition.
Was it talent? Maybe.
Was it pity? Probably.
Was it sheer audacity for showing up?
Whatever the reason, they let me into the music program, and I’ve been chasing that dream ever since.
I quickly realized my Sister Act 2 dream was not what college was preparing me for.
I had walked into a program where they sang opera.
I wondered how in the world they would turn my twang into opera.
I had hoped they would turn my southern drawl into the amazing sound of the choir or soloists on Sister Act 2.
Again, it was quite humbling of how wrong I was.
That's when the work began.
I began the classes.
I took the lessons.
I failed the first test.
I begged to stay in the class.
Policy was that I would go to a remedial class.
I was in the professor's office for hours upon hours.
I learned how to properly warm up my voice.
I learned techniques that I still use this day.
I found a confidence because I gained knowledge.
I learned that no matter my background, I could become the singer I desired to be.
I also realized I could take that knowledge and apply it to different genres of music.
Even crazier, after teaching this knowledge for years, I realized I could teach it online and help thousands of people.
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